Why join the Farm Bureau?
Whether you represent a community involved in the production of food products, are home to one of the ports that ships California-grown products all over the world, or are one of the 38 million California consumers of the food, fiber or foliage we produce, you have a stake in the future of California farms and ranches.
With more than 400 different commodities produced in California, Farm Bureau is committed to helping consumers understand where their food comes from, the challenges associated with producing a safe, affordable food supply and ensuring consumer confidence in California-grown products.
When you join the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau, you automatically become eligible for California Farm Bureau member benefits.
Member benefits

Ag Alert and California Bountiful
Ag Alert gives producers the edge with news, research and marketing trends, this weekly newspaper is the first in agriculture news. The weekly publication is available only to Farm Bureau Agricultural and Collegiate members.
Learn more and subscribe today ›
Agricultural, Collegiate, and Associate members of Farm Bureau and supporters of the California Bountiful Foundation can now subscribe to receive California Bountiful magazine, a bimonthly publication that promotes connections between farm and city.
Learn more and subscribe today ›
- Farm Bureau Publications
- Insurance Programs & Services
- Agricultural Supplies
- Business Services
- Health Services
- Vehicle Purchase & Rentals
- Travel & Entertainment Discounts
- Propane Discount
- Paint Discounts
Learn more on the California Farm Bureau website. Need a copy of the latest Farm Bureau Member Benefit Guide? Download the brochure or call the Member Help Desk at (800) 698-3276.
How to join
To join the Farm Bureau, complete the Agricultural Member Application Form or the Associate Member Application Form.
You can either mail, email, or fax your completed application form to the Santa Cruz Farm Bureau.
To pay by phone, please call the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau Office at (831) 724-1356 and have your VISA or MasterCard ready for dues payment. Be ready to provide your name, address, phone, and occupation (residence, property ownership, or place of business.) Once you have made your payment, complete and return your application form to the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau by mail, email, or fax.
Mailing Address: 141 Monte Vista Avenue, Watsonville CA 95076
Email: sccfb@sbcglobal.net
Fax: (831) 724-5821